LHS Inc. does not stop at just an inspection in spring or fall!
Preventative maintenance is the key to reliable service, preventing major damage or complete failure before it occurs.
Hydrants are mechanical and the O-Rings that protect the hydrant will break down in time. Replacement before they fail is the key to protecting the hydrant and saving our clients money.
We are fully trained, equipped and stocked to take on any repair.
New construction requires inspection and reports for compliance and/or occupancy permit, ensuring valves are open, hydrants are flushed, fire flow testing is completed with hydrants painted and colour coded.
O. Reg. 213/07: FIRE CODESubsection 6.6.4. Hydrants
- Municipal and private hydrants shall be maintained in operating condition.
- Hydrants shall be maintained free of snow and ice accumulations.
- Hydrants shall be readily available and unobstructed for use at all times.